Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Pet Sitting... Part deux!

The saga continues...

I walked into the Wade family kitchin on Monday night to find as usual the dog going completely mad, and jumping up and down on her hind legs, and the cat sitting on the worktop staring at me like she's planning some kind of attack.

But alas, there was no sign at all of the cats bowl, where had it gone!!!! After a few minutes of Inspector Clueso style detective work, I sussed it. The dog had obviously gone a bit too mad at some point in the day and managed to get the cats bowl off the work top and take it and hide it in the garden. After much asking and pleading she refused to tell me where she had put it, and as it was very dark outside I admitted defeat and sought another temporary bowl for the cat to use.

This morning I managed to do a full scout of the garden and found the bowl hidden in the garage, and I also found a nice, smelly package that the cat had left behind the kettle. Oh the joys!


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