Sunday, February 12, 2006

Pet sitting!

I am currently "pet sitting" for my good friends the Wade family. This involves going to their house twice a day to feed the cat and dog, and make sure that they and the house is all alright. They did say I could stay over and house sit if I liked, but work is so busy at the moment, its just working out easier to pop over twice a day, plus they only live 10 minutes away.

Having never had a cat or dog myself I am not overly experienced with them, and some of their behaviours seem strange to me. Firstly the dog is absolutely mad and goes looney whenever I come in the room. Today I had left the kitchin door open while I was watering some plants, and the dog came out into the hall way and proceeded to lay on her back obviously wanting a belly rub. So I obliged but that obviously wasn't enough as she continued to do this for the next 20 minutes! After telling her several times and pointing dramatically at her bed in the kitchin she still wouldn't budge. Eventually I managed to trick her by opening the back door and pretending to go outside, which got her back on her feet and back in the kitchin in a flash!

The cat scares me cos she bit me once when I was there before, but she seems ok, doesn't really do a lot tho. But I came into feed them yesterday and the cat had done a wee on the work top. Tom, if you're reading this is this spose to happen? Anybody, is this normal behaviour for a cat? I mean, there's a cat flap so surely if the cat needs to do her business she can go in the garden and do it? Maybe she didn't make it in time? Anyway I cleaned it all up and disinfected it, but its still a mystery to me.

If anyone can shed any light on these matters then please do.


Blogger Tom Wade said...

Holy Joely, Welcome to the wonderful world of living with my Dog... Remember the technique I taught you of crossing you arms and looking up to the ceiling last time it became rather attached to you - yeah that doesnt work. I reckon that you should give it a nice friendly shove in the head with your foot and it will move pronto. If not I find swearing at it helps, especially if done loudly. And I did warn you about leaving doors open...

As for the cat its well and truely past its sell by date, it doesnt really do much apart from sitting and biting intruders... Sorry about the wee it doesnt get around so well anymore, at least it wasnt poo like the last time I found it...

10:04 pm  
Blogger Harriet said...

My sister Jane once found that a cat had peed in her toaster, amongst other places! It could have been one of her cats, or another cat from the area that got in via the cat flap and was marking it's territory. They do tend to go in places like sinks or bathrooms - my cat from Mum and Dad's once got stuck in my room and refused to do it's business (bless 'er)

Don't know about dogs though I'm afraid...

10:39 pm  
Blogger Sipech said...

My cat, Jess, used to mark his territory quite regularly, especially when another cat appeared in the neighbourhood.

We only got him to stop by rubbing his face in it, literally. I think it was largely to do with the fact that he'd done it on brand new curtains.

As for dogs. Well, they're dogs. Only ever met 2 of 'em I ever liked.

10:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that sounds like pretty normal dog behaviour. They can been quite stubborn, plus they are always happy to see people especially if they have been cooped up all day.

At least, that's what I think.

3:25 pm  
Blogger Liz said...

Oh, I really dislike cats... dogs make a lot more sense. At least you know what they're thinking!

Kicking in the head always worked for Lady :o)

9:30 pm  
Blogger Holy Joely said...

Oh I forgot to say there was cat pooh as well...

I think the dog is happy to see me when I come in as she has been on her own all day, but she can go outside whenever she likes. I felt sorry for her today so I played ball in the guitar with her for a bit.

I might stay over tomorrow night, and raid Tom's DVD collection...

Thank you all for your constructive comments.

I quite like this blogging lark!

10:30 pm  

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